Pharmacy continued

Phytochemicals: guardians of our health. Medical Journal: Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1997 Oct; 97(10 Supplement 2): S199-S204 Author: Craig WJ Abstract: Consuming a diet rich in plant foods will provide a milieu of phytochemicals, nonnutritive substances in plants that possess health-protective benefits. Nuts, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables contain an abundance of phenolic compounds, terpenoids, pigments, and other natural antioxidants that have been associated with protection from and/or treatment of chronic disease such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension as well as other medical conditions. The foods and herbs with the highest anticancer activity include garlic, soybeans, cabbage, ginger, licorice, and the umbelliferous vegetables.


  1. Dried root: 1-4 g three times daily (Daily Maximum 12g)
  2. Tincture: (1:5) 5-15 ml three times daily
  3. Solid Extract: (4:1) 250-500mg three times daily (Manufacturers preparations may vary)
  4. DGL Capsules: 1-3 caps three times daily (Manufacturers preparations may vary 300-380mg is typical)


  1. Internal: cough; bronchitis, asthma and allergies, peptic ulcer disease; chronic gastritis; adrenocortical insufficiency; steroid drug withdrawal, chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, hypotension, hypoglycemia, rheumatism, arthritis.
  2. External: herpes simplex lesions, apthous stomatitis, dental caries.

* (Copyright --IBIS the Integrative BodyMind Information system copyright 1992-1998, Integrative Medical Arts    Group, Inc.)


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    We are not offering this information with the intention of making any representation as to its suitability for any medicinal use. Information provided is not designed to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness, or injury and is provided for informational purposes only. Keep all products away from children. As with most products, they can be toxic if misused.
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